Lipoic acid for weight loss

Obese people are ready to try all possible ways to help them lose weight. Diets and workouts require exertion, not everyone who loses weight is able to withstand it. Then they start taking various dietary supplements and vitamin-like substances, which are sold in large quantities in pharmacies and sports stores. One of these drugs is lipoic acid. What it is, how it is taken, and whether it contributes to weight loss is discussed below.

What is lipoic acid?

Lipoic acid has many names: thioctic acid, thioctocid, vitamin N, lipoate, ALA. It is considered a vitamin-like substance with antioxidant properties. Lipoic acid is produced by the body, but in small amounts.

Its deficit is made up by the use of the following foods: mushrooms, dairy products, leafy vegetables, beef, legumes, bananas. In order to maintain the body's supply of thioctocide, it must be ingested in large quantities. It is more expedient to use the acid in the form of a pharmaceutical additive which is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and injection solutions.

What is it for

The body actively produces lipoic acid until the age of around 30. Women older than this age may be deficient in this substance, they begin to appear overweight. The use of thioctocid preserves a woman's beauty and youth for a long time and slows down the aging process. Lipoic acid has the following effects on the body:

  1. Participates in the energy supply of the body: It begins with the reprocessing of its used sources. In this way, all nutrients from food are processed as efficiently as possible.
  2. Forces the body to use glucose for energy, thus helping to lower blood sugar levels.
  3. Ensures the proper functioning of the pancreatic acid. The fact that there are no insulin surges activates the process of processing other energy sources, such as fats.
  4. Prevents premature aging of the body by binding and removing free radicals.
  5. Normalizes the immune system.

Notice!Before using Lipoat, you need to make sure that it is compatible with other medications you are using.

This is how it helps you lose weight

The original use of lipoic acid was to protect and restore liver cells from poisoning with various substances (including alcohol). They later started building muscle mass. Currently, thioctocid is also used as a slimming agent.

Slimming from lipoic acid capsules

When lipoic acid gets into the body, processes are started that normalize the metabolism. It has a direct effect on the consumption and depletion of fat reserves. A normal metabolism serves as the creator of a slim figure. The benefits of ALA for weight loss are as follows:

  • the stabilization of sugar through its ingestion allows you to maintain control over the amount of food consumed;
  • By stimulating fat loss, lipoic acid for weight loss removes fat deposits from the body;
  • the complete absorption of nutrients contributes to the improvement of the skin color, prevents brittleness of hair and nails;
  • the feeling of hunger decreases, which is blocked for a long time without harm to the body;
  • mental and physical activity improves;
  • all organs begin to function more efficiently.

You need to know that there are contraindications to the use of lipoic acid, it should not be taken if:

  • Heart failure;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism);
  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • individual intolerance.

Cinnamon and vanilla are used as contaminants in some dietary supplements. Thanks to these substances, the drug is very popular among women. After taking a course, they note a decrease in the craving for confectionery and weight loss.

Important!Before using lipoic acid for weight loss, you should consult a doctor: endocrinologist, therapist or nutritionist.

According to reviews of those who took this drug, they felt better, there was a desire to lead an active lifestyle. After the therapy, many had their blood count improved and their appearance changed: acne and inflammation disappeared from the face. It should be noted that the weight loss occurred only in connection with the normalization of diet and exercise in the gym.

How to drink

In order not to harm the body, you need to know how to properly drink lipoic acid for weight loss. Exceeding the dosage can lead to poor health. Lipoat has high chemical activity, it reacts with many substances, so before using it, you need to carefully read the instructions for use.


It should be selected taking into account the person's food addiction, the intensity of physical activity, as well as the general state of health. General rules for using thioctocid:

  • in a satisfactory state, the dose as a prophylaxis is 25-50 mg per day;
  • the elderly - 50 mg per day;
  • Athletes - from 75 to 200 mg;
  • for the treatment of diseases - up to 600 mg;
  • Women lose weight - a minimum dose of 30-50 mg; for men - 50-75 mg per day (divided into 3 doses).

If acid is introduced intramuscularly, the serving should not exceed 50 mg per day. Although some sources suggest that positive results can only be achieved with a daily intake of 100-200 mg, it is still necessary to start treatment with small doses. A dosage of more than 600 mg per day without physical activity can worsen the state of health dramatically.

Slimming lipoic acid supplement

Notice!Lipoic acid for weight loss is only effective if you follow diet, weight training at the gym, and physical activity.

How many days can you drink

For the general improvement of the body, Thioctocid is taken several times a year for 2-3 weeks. For weight loss, prolonged use is required according to the following scheme: 1 month of use, then 1-2 months of break, then the course is repeated, and so on. If you combine taking the drug with a balanced diet and physical activity, you can lose 4-6 kg per month.


  1. Lipoic acid is injected morning and evening.
  2. In order not to feel discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, use the drug after meals.
  3. Thioctocid inhibits the absorption of calcium, therefore lactic acid products are consumed 4 hours after ingestion.
  4. Alcohol blocks the absorption of lipoic acid, and if taken at the same time, dizziness and nausea can occur.
  5. The drug is taken no earlier than 30 minutes after strength training.
  6. Before taking thioctocid, it must be determined whether it is compatible with other medicines used.

The effect of the slimming procedure will only be if you are on a diet and exercising in the gym. Protein foods are best used at this time. If there are fewer carbohydrates, the body begins to use up the available reserves and the weight decreases. When consuming confectionery, pasta, cereals, lipoic acid is used to process the sugar obtained without affecting the fats.


The dosage should be prescribed by the doctor; it is not possible to change the dosage on your own. Much does not mean good. An overdose can be harmful: lead to seizures, bleeding disorders. Due to a sharp drop in blood sugar, there is a possibility of hypoglycemic coma; Low hormone levels can cause thyroid disease (hypothyroidism).

As a treatment, vomiting is induced, gastric lavage is performed, activated charcoal is prescribed. But even these manipulations can be useless as there is no antidote. Therefore, before using it, you need to carefully read the instructions and avoid overdose.

Lipoic acid slimming pill

Side effects

Lipoic acid is usually well tolerated, but the following unpleasant symptoms can sometimes occur:

  • Stomach pain;
  • A headache;
  • an allergic reaction in the form of a rash;
  • increased pressure;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

If these symptoms occur, the drug should be discontinued immediately.

Important!At the time of taking thioctic acid, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, as this will slow down its absorption.

Using lipoic acid is not a panacea for shedding extra pounds, but when combined with diet and exercise it can help you lose weight. In addition, it normalizes metabolic processes in the body and prevents aging.